A woman was assaulted in the middle of the day by a coyote in Massachusetts

By Lucas

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A woman was assaulted in the middle of the day by a coyote in Massachusetts

WEYMOUTH, MA (WPRI) — A Weymouth lady is healing after being mauled by a coyote while outside with her two-year-old son.

Georgianna Orseno managed to get away from the coyote by kicking it against a tree. She now has bite marks and scratches on both of her legs.

A camera across the street captured the moments before the cat pounced, while Orseno was on the ground playing with her son.

“Fortunately, I was in the middle. “I think it got mad because I was shaking it, then latched on,” Orseno said of the attack. “It could have been much worse.” It might have grabbed my youngster and dragged him where it wanted to go. So I’m pleased I was in the middle of them.”

Following the incident, a neighbor spotted a coyote approaching Orseno’s yard and reported that it was moving slowly and was not readily driven away.

It is unusual for a coyote to attack someone in the middle of the day, thus animal control officers believe it is rabid.

Orseno is currently getting antibiotics and has begun a round of rabies vaccines.

Animal Control was looking for the coyote on Wednesday, but it’s unclear whether they ever found it.


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