The USDA has officially announced the remaining Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payment dates for December 2024. With some states completing payments by December 20 and others extending into late December or early January 2025, here’s a detailed breakdown to help you track your benefits.
Key Dates
Certain states will conclude issuing SNAP benefits by December 20, 2024. These include New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington. However, states like Michigan, Mississippi, and North Carolina will continue until December 21, while Missouri and Puerto Rico will finish by December 22.
For states like Florida and Texas, payments will extend until December 28, 2024, while others won’t resume issuing benefits until January 2025.
Payment Amounts
If you’re eligible, you could receive up to $292 as an individual. Payment schedules vary by state and depend on identifiers like Social Security numbers or case numbers.
New Mexico bases its SNAP payment dates on the last two digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). Below is the schedule:
SSN Ending In | Payment Date |
05, 25, 45, 65, 85 | December 10 |
16, 36, 56, 76, 96 | December 11 |
06, 26, 46, 66, 86 | December 12 |
17, 37, 57, 77, 97 | December 13 |
07, 27, 47, 67, 87 | December 14 |
18, 38, 58, 78, 98 | December 15 |
08, 28, 48, 68, 88 | December 16 |
19, 39, 59, 79, 99 | December 17 |
09, 29, 49, 69, 89 | December 18 |
10, 30, 50, 70, 90 | December 19 |
00, 20, 40, 60, 80 | December 20 |
Payment Schedule for Ohio
Ohio simplifies its SNAP distribution by tying payments to the last digit of your case number.
Case Number Ending In | Payment Date |
4 | December 10 |
5 | December 12 |
6 | December 14 |
7 | December 16 |
8 | December 18 |
9 | December 20 |
SNAP Payments in Tennessee
Tennessee uses the last two digits of your Social Security Number for scheduling SNAP payments. Below is the distribution timeline:
SSN Ending In | Payment Date |
45-49 | December 10 |
50-54 | December 11 |
55-59 | December 12 |
60-64 | December 13 |
65-69 | December 14 |
70-74 | December 15 |
75-79 | December 16 |
80-84 | December 17 |
85-89 | December 18 |
90-94 | December 19 |
95-99 | December 20 |
Washington SNAP Benefits
Washington distributes benefits from December 1 through December 20. However, the USDA has not released details about specific distribution schedules.
With states following different timelines and criteria, understanding your local schedule is essential for planning. Whether you’re in New Mexico or Florida, keep track of your Social Security number or case number to determine your payment date. For additional assistance, contact your state’s SNAP office.
When does New Mexico finish SNAP payments?
New Mexico finishes by December 20, 2024.
How are SNAP payments scheduled in Ohio?
Ohio uses the last digit of case numbers.
What is the maximum individual SNAP payment?
The maximum is $292 per individual.
When will Missouri complete payments?
Missouri will finish by December 22, 2024.
Does Tennessee use SSN for SNAP dates?
Yes, Tennessee uses the last two SSN digits for scheduling.