Is the JonBenét Ramsey case solved? Murdered beauty Queen’s Father Tells How He Received A Bombshell Letter From Woman Claiming Her Ex-Husband Is Girl’s Killer

By Joseph

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Is the JonBenét Ramsey case solved? Murdered beauty Queen's Father Tells How He Received A Bombshell Letter From Woman Claiming Her Ex-Husband Is Girl's Killer

JonBenét Ramsey, the father of the slain six-year-old beauty queen, has received a letter from a lady who claims her ex-husband killed his daughter.

According to, John Ramsey, 81, received the information after watching the new Netflix series on the 1996 murder case, and he quickly followed up on the tip.

However, he has yet to hear back from the sender, but has forwarded the information to his private investigator.

Ramsey stated, “Based on all of this attention, I recently received a letter from a lady stating, ‘My ex-husband’s the killer, and I’ve kept this within for as long as I can – please, please call me.’

“We called her, but she did not answer, so I’m not sure. We’ve shared this information with a private investigator.”

JonBenét was discovered brutally beaten and sexually molested on December 26, 1996, in the basement of her family’s spacious home in Boulder, Colorado.

Ramsey’s late wife, Patsy, called 911 that morning to report finding a ransom letter and her missing daughter. Police arrived swiftly, but the child’s body was not discovered until hours later, during a search conducted by Ramsey.

Suspicion swiftly focused on the family, resulting in a tense relationship with the Boulder Police Department.

Netflix’s documentary Cold Case: Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey explains how law enforcement and the media propagated falsehoods about the case.

Ramsey, his late wife Patsy, who died in 2006 at the age of 49, and their son, Burke, who was nine years old and at home at the time of the death, were widely convicted in the court of public opinion, despite the Boulder District Attorney’s formal clearing and apologizing in 2008.

He said any new clues were welcome after nearly 30 years of battling misunderstandings and attempting to prove his family’s innocence.

On solving the case, he stated that it “will not change my life at this point – I just turned 81 – but it will change the lives of my children and grandchildren.”

“They need the mist lifted, defined, and a solution. That’s why we’re working so hard to find an answer.”

Despite the possibility of a new suspect highlighted by the ex-wife’s recent letter, Ramsey is cautious, having previously had his expectations shattered.

One man, who appeared prominently in the Netflix docuseries, appeared to be the major offender after confessing to a university professor in extensive phone talks.

John Mark Karr was even deported from Thailand to Colorado, but DNA tests did not match, and his family claimed he was in Georgia when JonBenét was murdered.

Other fake confessions have surfaced over the years, including one in the early days following the murder, when a guy claiming to have been recruited to kill JonBenét called the Ramseys’ pastor to confess and subsequently spoke with Ramsey.

This man, who went by the identity “David Cooper,” initially called the Ramseys’ pastor and “said he was JonBenét’s killer and wanted to turn himself in but wanted to talk to me first,” Ramsey explained.

“I called him and talked to him for a while… and I was asking him questions,” he told me.

“I was looking for information that maybe he had that nobody else would have (from) reading the newspapers or watching television.”

Ramsey claimed the man mentioned items from the residence that “were not in the news that I knew of,” so he assumed the caller could be credible.

He informed the police, who, rather than investigating or reaching out, “were not interested in following up at all,” according to Ramsey.

The distraught father then said that cops answered, “Well, he wants to turn himself in?” “We will be here.”

When he spoke with the self-confessed killer again, “he said, ‘Well, I want to bring my family with me, and it’s going to cost me $3,000 for airline tickets, and I don’t have any money. Can you send me the money?

“And I was going to do it, because I figured, Well, who knows, it’s worth a shot,” Ramsey told the reporter. “And I discussed it before I did; I informed our attorneys about the situation. They said, “Oh no, wait, hold on, don’t send him money.” This does not smell right.

“So I didn’t, and our investigators came back and said, ‘Well, he’s a truck driver from Louisiana, and he’s just trying to con you out of money. Forget it.

“So that’s where it ended.”


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