Tax refund over $10,000 – Find out if you qualify and how to claim it before it’s too late

By Rachel Greco

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Tax refund over $10,000 – Find out if you qualify and how to claim it before it’s too late

As you may be aware, tax season has already begun in the United States, so prepare all of your paperwork because we must do so right away. Starting January 23, you have until April 18 to file your tax return with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Do you know what payments you can request? Many people are unaware that you can receive a refund of up to $10,000 in just a few steps! Yes, you read that correctly: the federal and state governments have a program in place to help those in greatest need, and you could be one of the beneficiaries. Are you interested?

The IRS will process millions of requests, but it is up to you whether or not to take advantage of this benefit, which has the potential to turn around your economy this year. This is of interest to California residents!

What refund are we talking about?

It’s not one, but two! So stay tuned. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC) are intended for lower-income workers to support their families. However, who is eligible for each payment?

Requirements for the EITC

For the EITC you will need to meet the following points:

  1. Depending on the qualifying children you have, have an income that does not exceed $68,675
  2. You will have to have a valid Social Security number
  3. Have not had foreign income using Form 2555
  4. Be a US citizen (or resident for the entire tax year)

CalEITC Requirements

For California residents, this credit has its own rules.

  1. You must be at least 18 years old or have a qualifying child. 2. Your income must be between $1 and $31,950 (people who earn more than this amount will not be able to get this payment)
  2. Both you and your family need a valid SSN or ITIN.
  3. You will need to have lived in California for at least six months during the tax year.

If you meet the requirements for both the CalEITC and the EITC, the total amount could be $11,690, which includes $8,046 from the EITC credit and $3,644 from the CalEITC.

Tax refund over $10,000 – Find out if you qualify and how to claim it before it’s too late

How can I claim these credits?

Applying for these credits is simple; all you have to do is include them in your tax return. Once you file your forms, the IRS will handle everything and send you your refund, and you will have two options depending on how you want to receive it.

  1. Up to 21 days after your return is approved: if you have chosen direct deposit, it will arrive in your bank account.
  2. Between 6 and 12 weeks if you chose a paper check.

Does anyone miss out on these credits?

Yes! And the main reason they don’t claim these tax credits every year is that they are afraid the process will be complicated, but as you can see, it is very simple, and the money can be used for anything, especially to create a financial forecast for the year.

Many people do not take advantage of this credit because they are unaware of its existence. However, missing out on $10,000 is unacceptable.

What can I do?

If you believe you meet the requirements we previously discussed, it is very simple. Begin by reviewing your data from last year to ensure that you meet the requirements. Make sure you have all of the documents required when you file your tax return.

If you have any doubts, you can seek advice from financial experts who can assist you in filing your tax return.

We need to stop being afraid of tax season, which isn’t always bad. The EITC could be the boost we’ve been looking for; claim it!

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Rachel Greco

Rachel Greco covers life in US County, including the communities of Grand Ledge, Delta Township, Charlotte and US Rapids. But her beat extends to local government, local school districts and community events in communities that surround Lansing. Her goal is to tell compelling stories about the area that matter to local readers.

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