(Courtesy Photo)


   The Shiawassee Humane Society (SHS) is proud to announce that Holly Guild will assume the executive director position recently vacated by the retiring Patrice Martin. Guild comes to us with an extensive nonprofit background, including positions as Director of Operations and Executive Director. A 17-year veteran of the animal welfare industry, Guild graduated from the Veterinary Technology Program at Michigan State University. She also holds certifications as an animal control officer and humane investigator. Guild has been recognized with awards for professionalism in animal welfare from MSU, and management innovation from the Dale Carnegie Institute.

   As executive director, Guild is the key management leader of the Shiawassee Humane Society. The executive director is responsible for overseeing the administration, programs and strategic plan of the organization. Other key duties include fundraising, marketing and community outreach. The position reports directly to the board of directors. Speaking of Guild, SHS Board President Carrie Barretta states, “We cast a wide net when advertising for this position and believe we have found the absolute right person at the right time to continue growing the organization. Guided by Holly’s background and experience, the Shiawassee Humane Society is certain to achieve its ambitious goals for the future.”

   Guild resides in Grand Ledge, where she lives with her two rescue horses, Bowie and Romeo, and two shelter dogs, Goose and Pixie. Her identical twin sons are grown and also reside in Grand Ledge. Holly is a doting grandmother to an adorable 18-month-old granddaughter, Margaux.

   Guild has worked alongside Martin since Aug. 23 during a two-week transition period. She is eager to meet the donors and supporters of the Shiawassee Humane Society and welcomes your calls or visits. She may be reached at the shelter at (989) 723-4262 or via email at director@shspets.org.

Shiawassee Humane Society Welcomes New Executive Director was last modified: September 21st, 2021 by Karen Elford