Shiawassee County has seven parks, five of which are nestled along the Shiawassee River, and are available for individual and families to enjoy hiking, fishing, canoeing, picnic areas, sledding in the winter and so much more. Maintaining county parks takes planning, time, people, and money. With seven volunteer members serving on the standing committee the representatives are continually seeking to achieve specific goals related to their mission to provide clean and safe parks and green spaces for the residents and visitors of Shiawassee County.
Meeting five to seven times each year, the meetings are open to the public and held in the Surbeck Building, 201 N Shiawassee St., Corunna. The meeting dates and minutes are posted in the Surbeck Bldg. and are as follows: Wednesday, May 4, Wednesday, June 1, Wednesday, Aug. 3 and Wednesday, Oct. 5 at 6 p.m.
Complying with the State of Michigan’s laws, the key applicable laws of Planning Enabling Act, Public Act 33 of 2008; Zoning Enabling Act, Public Act 110 of 2006; Freedom of Information Act, Public Act 442 of 1976; and Open Meetings Act, Public 267 of 1976 all serve as the basis of our actions and decisions. In addition to the volunteers serving on the board, park volunteers work very hard to help to maintain the five parks for all county residents to enjoy.
- Geeck Road Park in Shiawassee Township has volunteers under the continued care of Durand AMVETS.
- Henderson Park in Rush Township off Henderson Road and M-52 had help in 2015 from Abba’s House Men’s Group.
- Kerby Road Park in Caledonia Township on Kerby Road and M-21 had help in 2015 from Hoot & Holler 4H Club.
The Lytle Road/John Goebel Park in Caleonia Township and Shiatown Park off Bennington Road in Shiawassee Township would both benefit from volunteer efforts. Any individual and/or group that would like to help beautify the parks please contact Tim Hill, Building and Grounds Supervisor at (989) 743-2220 Mon. through Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or via internet at
The parks are here for everyone to enjoy and by volunteering to help in any way you can will help to keep the parks for years to come. Attending any and all of the commission meetings, volunteering on Annual Earth Day Park Clean-Up on Friday, April 22 and/or doing what you can to help with maintain even one park nearest you can and will make a difference.