The annual dinner meeting of the Shiawassee County Agricultural Society, the organization that owns and directs the operation of the Shiawassee County Fairgrounds, is planned for Sunday, Dec. 4.

Community members are invited to show their support for the Shiawassee County Fair, its Board of Directors and the youth of the county by becoming a member of the Agricultural Society. Yearly dues are $6 per person or $10 for a couple. The membership must be paid into the fair office by Oct. 31 to be eligible to vote. This year’s annual meeting will be held at the ZCBJ/WFLA hall in Owosso, with social hour beginning at noon and dinner at 1 p.m. The business meeting and awards program will follow. Dinner reservations are $15 per person and must be made no later than Nov. 18.

The public is welcome to join the society as well as purchase tickets for this event. For more information or reservations, contact the Fair office at 2900 E. Hibbard Rd., in Corunna or by calling (989) 743-3611.

Shiawassee County Agricultural Society Annual Dinner Meeting was last modified: October 10th, 2016 by Karen Elford