The Shiawassee Community Foundation scholarship cycle began Dec. 1, 2015. Applications are due by 4 p.m. March 11, 2016. Application forms are available on the SCF website, under the “Scholarship” tab and then click on “Scholarship Applications.” Several different scholarship applications are listed on the Scholarship Application page. The General Scholarship Application form includes approximately 60 different scholarship offerings.
Applicants are asked to thoroughly read the scholarship application and apply for as many as they like as long as they meet the specific criteria. A separate application form and attachments are required for each scholarship that is applied for.
The following documentation is required in order to apply for each scholarship (detailed instructions are included in the application form): *Completed and signed application form (three pages). *One page personal essay. *Current resume. *Two signed letters of recommendation. *Most recent transcript of grades sent directly to SCF office from high school and/or college. *For scholarships based on financial need, a copy of your FAFSA or most recent income tax return to verify family income.
Remember to request letters of recommendation and official transcripts two to three weeks before the scholarship deadline!
For any questions or additional information, persons may contact either Carol Soule or Lisa Clark, (989) 725-1093, or by email at or