PFD Confirmed – Official date when you will receive your first $1,702 stimulus payment starting in 2025

By Rachel Greco

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PFD Confirmed – Official date when you will receive your first $1,702 stimulus payment starting in 2025

Every year, Alaska residents receive the Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD). The State of Alaska makes the stimulus payment with interest from oil revenues.

Those who lived in the state of Alaska for the entire year prior to filing for the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) are eligible to receive it.

For example, if a person lived in Alaska throughout 2017, they are eligible to receive the 2018 PFD stimulus payment.

Alaska’s PFD also compensates residents who leave the state for employment, military service, or medical treatment.

A minor or someone who cannot apply on their own may do so through a parent, guardian, or state-appointed representative.

The PFD stimulus payment was confirmed for January, and it will be worth $1,702

Every first quarter, the Seattle Regional Office receives a list of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries who received the PFD payment from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS).

To identify SSI recipients who also received the PFD in the previous calendar year, DHSS compares the State Data Exchange (SDX) system to the PFD Division’s list of recipients.

Contact the Seattle Center for Disability and Program Support at SEA CPS if you want to confirm receipt of the PFD payment, have general questions about the payment, or if someone who no longer lives in Alaska reports receiving the stimulus payment.

According to the Permanent Dividend Fund (PFD) program, eligible recipients will receive their stimulus payment on the dates listed below:

  • Dividend applications for 2024 (and preceding years) that are marked as “Eligible-Not Paid” on January 8, 2025, will be distributed on January 16, 2025.
  • Dividend applications for 2024 (and preceding years) that are marked as “Eligible-Not Paid” on February 12, 2025, will be distributed on February 20, 2025.
PFD Confirmed – Official date when you will receive your first $1,702 stimulus payment starting in 2025

Applications for the stimulus payment are now open

The 2025 PFD stimulus payment application filing season is now open online, running from January 1 to March 31, 2025. The online application provides 24-hour access and secure, dependable data protection, allowing you to submit your application at any time and from any location.

The program emphasizes that recipients should be aware of the following information:

  1. Applications submitted online and paid for by direct deposit will be included in the first mass payment in early October if they are found to be eligible.
  2. Applications that are submitted online and paid for with a check, or those that are submitted on paper and found to be eligible, will be disbursed in the second mass payment at the end of October.
  3. Use your myAlaska username while submitting your online application.  Using the myAlaska username you used to submit your application to access my PFD will show additional information about your application and give you the ability to electronically sign, alter your address, and make a direct payment in addition to viewing your 1099 tax document.
  4. Your application will be reviewed if any responses are missing or insufficient.

Remember that the myAlaska system provides Alaskans with a secure single sign-on and signature. This electronic signature and authentication system allows Alaskans to communicate with multiple State of Alaska agencies using a single log-in.

Although it is a separate organization, the PFD Division works with myAlaska. Nonetheless, Alaskans should exercise caution, as some myAlaska users have reported receiving phishing text messages asking them to update or change their passwords.

These communications should not be answered. MyAlaska does not contact users via email or text message to ask them to update their passwords.

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Rachel Greco

Rachel Greco covers life in US County, including the communities of Grand Ledge, Delta Township, Charlotte and US Rapids. But her beat extends to local government, local school districts and community events in communities that surround Lansing. Her goal is to tell compelling stories about the area that matter to local readers.

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