Employees at PFCU have come together to provide a $4,234 donation to the Homeless Angels. PFCU employees put together a formal program to collect weekly donation monies in exchange for a casual dress Friday, or jeans day Friday. With over 90 percent participation from the staff of over 180 employees, the staff has been able to pool together quarterly donations consistently over $1,000.
Each quarter the staff internally votes on various local community groups or organizations, and Homeless Angels was selected to receive PFCU’s second quarter donation. The check presentation to the Homeless Angels took place on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at PFCU’s Lansing office.
At Homeless Angels, their mission is to rebuild and restore faith in humanity through innovative ideas, programs and events to create real change for people that are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
PFCU was established in 1947 and is a Michigan financial cooperative credit union with headquarters located in Portland, MI. PFCU has 12 locations between Caledonia and Flint, with over 50,000 members and over 180 employees. PFCU is dedicated to improving members’ lives and the communities in which they serve. To find out more, visit www.pfcu4me.com.