The Perry Morrice Recycling Program has recently achieved several improvements to the site of the recycling containers housed at the Morrice Transfer Station at 1470 W. Britton Rd., in Morrice.

Funds from the Shiawassee Waste Management Committee approved by the Shiawassee County Commissioners totaling up to $8,200 for concrete pad, a new sign defining the recyclable materials accepted, fencing, additional steps, and rakes to help control the bin’s contents have been accomplished. The steps were built by volunteers Chuck Castle, Tom Vuchetich, and Ron Hammond, shown here working on the steps. The materials were purchased with the grant money.

A new concrete pad should make the site more accessible in the winter and spring. The fencing will help keep the overflow from blowing around the transfer site. The rakes will help to push the recyclables into the bins.

The recycling bins are serviced by Granger and there is a cost of $200 each time the single stream bin is changed out and $180 each time the cardboard bin is changed out. We do get a credit back on the cardboard bin depending on the weight of the cardboard in the bin. The Morrice DPW does tamp this bin down to make it as full as possible.

The new sign defines clearly what items are recyclable and what is not. Please take a few minutes to review it as the committee has spent hours removing items from the bins that are not recyclable. Please do not use this site for your trash disposal. The site cannot accept plastic bags, glass, or Styrofoam. Only plastic marked as recyclable is acceptable. It would be helpful if residents using the facility would pick up after yourselves if the items put into the bins fall to the ground. The committee does pick up undisposed trash, but would

appreciate residents using the facility to aim well or pick up items that do not fall into the bins.

Even though this recycling site is open to the public this program is partially funded by the communities of the city of Perry, Perry Township, and the village of Morrice. The remainder of the funding comes from the people who use the site. Please remember to make a donation in the container on site or mail a check to Perry Township Attn: Troy Parmalee 2770 W. Ellsworth Rd. Perry, MI and a receipt.

Perry Morrice Recycling Program was last modified: November 28th, 2016 by Karen Elford