An intense courtroom battle between two skilled attorneys serves as the basis for the Owosso Community Players upcoming production of “Inherit the Wind.” The drama, directed by Anna Owens and Linda Keenan, will feature six performances on Nov. 4, 5, 11, and 12 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 6 and 13 at 3 p.m. at the Lebowsky Center.

“Inherit the Wind” is a fictionalized account of the 1925 Scopes “Monkey” Trial, which resulted in John T. Scopes’ conviction for teaching Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to a high school science class, contrary to a Tennessee state law.

The characters of Matthew Harrison Brady (played by Steve Shelton), Henry Drummond (John Liskey), Bertram Cates (Zach Crawford) and E. K. Hornbeck (Brain Forsyth) correspond to the historical figures of William Jennings Bryan, Clarence Darrow, Scopes, and H. L. Mencken, respectively. However, the play is not meant to be a historical account. “The timeless nature surrounding evolution vs. creationism is what appealed to us as directors” said director Anna Owens. “We decided to stage this in 2016 to remind all of us that tolerance continues to be a challenging issue.”

According to playwright Jerome Lawrence, “We used the teaching of evolution as a parable, a metaphor for any kind of mind control. It’s not about science versus religion. It’s about the right to think.”

The cast also includes Ann Hall as Sarah Brady, Monica Holland as Rachel, Theron Russell as Rev. Brown, Jerry Frezon as the Judge, Wes LaVigne as Howard Blair, Charlotte Hartges as Melinda Loomis, Lisa Hudecek as Mrs. Loomis, Jerry Ciarlino as D.A. Davenport, Dave Conant as Meeker, Naomi-Ruth Hoffman as Mrs. Krebs, Liam Scrimger as Timmy, Mike Cole as Mr. Bannister, Eric Horn as Elijah, Michael Witt as Jesse Dunlap, Paul Peters as George Sillers, Joanne Morovitz as Goodfellow, Audrey Thayer as Mrs. Blair, Brian Forsyth as Horbneck, Tim Ruwart as Mayor, Madison Kregger, Claire Wininger,

Samantha Thayer, Jake Hall as the photographer, Kelly Oginsky as the radio announcer, Cody Valade as Royters Reporter, Charlie Keenan as the organ grinder and Tom Cook as Scientist Page. The jurors will be played by Charlie Keenan, Matt Van Epps, Mike Cole, Paul Peters, Paul Powers, Fred Smith and Craig Winiger.

Tickets can be purchased at the box office, by calling the theater at (989) 723-4003 or at

Owosso Community Players present ‘Inherit the Wind’ was last modified: October 31st, 2016 by Karen Elford