The Owosso Community Players are seeking directors for the upcoming season. All shows will be performed on the Lebowsky Center main stage. First up will be “Inherit the Wind,” to be presented Nov. 4 through the 6 and 11 through the 13. Anyone interested in directing “Inherit the Wind” must submit a letter of interest to OCP’s Artistic Director Garrett Bradley by Friday, July 8, via email to or in person at the OCP offices at 114 East Main, Suite 222.

Directors are also sought for the following three shows that will be presented later in the season: “The Last Night of Ballyhoo” (performance dates Jan. 13 through the 15 and 20 through the 22); “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” (performance dates Feb. 24 through the 26 and March 3 through the 5); “Peter and the Starcatcher” (performance dates April 21 through the 23 and 28 through the 30). Submissions for these three shows will be accepted through July 29.

All interested applicants should submit a letter of interest indicating any directing experience or other theatre knowledge to Garrett Bradley, OCP Artistic Director. Submissions for all shows may be sent via email to or brought directly to the OCP offices.

OCP Call for Directors was last modified: July 5th, 2016 by Karen Elford