Michigan man steals gas from his old job for 12 years after retirement

By Joseph

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Michigan man steals gas from his old job for 12 years after retirement

A Michigan man retired 12 years ago but kept a job benefit that allowed him to gas up his vehicle for free. He is now facing charges.

Things You Can and Can’t Keep After Leaving a Job

The American dream is to get an education, a job, buy a house, raise a family, save money, and then retire. Sounds easier said than done, but you get the point.

Whether you quit, get fired, or retire from your job, there are certain items you can take with you and others that must remain at your former workplace.

You get to keep your personal belongings, such as photos, plants, and other items you brought from home to work.

You cannot take company credit cards, gas cards, company data, client lists, or any equipment provided by your employer that allows you to perform your job. It seems like common sense to return those items before leaving the building or job site.

Michigan Man Steals Gas From Old Job For 12 Years After Retiring

Another retiree in Linden, Michigan, about 20 minutes from where I grew up and where my retired parents now live, kept something after leaving his job 12 years ago that has him in serious trouble.

Ronald Schmitt, 71, retired from the Department of Public Works 12 years ago but did not return anything, according to “My UP Now”. Schmitt was given a company key fob that allowed him to fuel DPW vehicles while on the job, which he did not return.

Schmitt got into trouble not for not returning the key fob, but for using over $28,000 of gasoline to fill up his own truck over the last 12 years. Ouch!

The Michigan State Police, in collaboration with the Lake Linden Village Police Department, apprehended Schmitt using the key fob to fill up his truck. Schmitt has since been arraigned and is scheduled to appear before the judge again on February 3.


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