The Lebowsky Center for Performing Arts will present Pop Up on Park on Friday, Sept. 11 and Saturday, Sept. 12. Park Street will be closed for the event, which will feature two separate lineups of performers, singing a mix of popular state-to-screen songs. Presentations will begin at 9 p.m. each evening.

   The event will be hosted by Michael Windnagle, and will feature the following singers on Friday night: Kayla Green, Kaleb Kimerer, Claire Ladaga, Megan Meyer and Jake Przybyla. Saturday’s artists include Angela Bradley, Alissa Britten, Vinnie Lindquist, Isa Rodriguez and Adam Woolsey.

   Adhering to executive orders, only a limited number of seats are available for each performance. All parties, up to four, will be seated individually at bistro tables – 6-feet-apart and 12-feet from the performers. All guests will be required to wear face masks during the outdoor venue, unless seated at their table. Lebowsky Center staff and volunteers will be thoroughly sanitizing the outdoor space between performances, and sanitization stations will be provided for guests.

   Those looking to enjoy a beverage during a performance, may order from a selection of beer or wine bundles in advance of the performance. No outside food or beverages will be allowed during the performances, and a bundle does not include a ticket for the show.

   Tickets are $25 per person at Beverage bundles are $25. Specific beer or wine options are listed on the website. Guests will have the comfort and assurance of their own, personal bottle(s), along with an array of pre-packaged crackers, cheese and nuts.

Lebowsky Center to Present Pop Up on Park was last modified: September 8th, 2020 by Karen Elford