How much money do Americans have in their pockets? The picture no one dares to paint

By Rachel Greco

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How much money do Americans have in their pockets The picture no one dares to paint

Living “on the cheap” is not a fad; it is the most that most Americans can afford. Now, studies show devastating data: more than half of Americans cannot afford an unexpected expense without jeopardizing their financial stability.

According to a GoBankingRates study, over half of American households have less than $500 in savings, reflecting their economic reality.

And in a country known as the land of opportunity and always promising stability, this reality goes beyond numbers, because these figures represent millions of people who are up at night worrying about how they will pay their bills next month or what they will do if they have a medical emergency or an unexpected layoff.

It’s called “financial precariousness,” and it affects every aspect of our lives, from how we feed ourselves to how we educate our children. In an era when life is becoming increasingly expensive, the American dream appears to be out of reach for a large portion of the population.

Economic pressure on households

The report emphasizes that, while inflation has begun to stabilize (finally), interest rates continue to hit consumers’ pockets by remaining very high, so that nearly the entire population is living “pay check to pay check” (that is, they do not have the ability to save because their salary does not cover it), which means they cannot save for an emergency fund.

How much money do Americans have in their pockets? The picture no one dares to paint

According to the survey, 39% of Americans save less than $250, while 21% save between $1 and $250. A complete madness that would not cover even the most basic expenses.

On the other hand, 40% of Americans keep a minimum balance of $500 or less in their accounts, which does not explain anything because with that money, they would be unable to face any unforeseen event.

Different generations

One of the most striking aspects of the study is the generational divide. On the one hand, “baby boomers” (those over 65 years old) have higher balances, reporting at least $2000 per month, but generation X (those between 45 and 54 years old) are suffering the most, keeping their bank accounts to a bare minimum.

We will not discuss generations under 45 who work in precarious jobs and struggle to make ends meet.

The report also discusses the extreme stress that more than 29% of those surveyed are experiencing as a result of the state of their savings, which affects not only their financial health but also the mental health of many people, as we have all realized by now that the economy, unfortunately, is everything.

How can I save?

Saving is difficult when salaries are low and basic product prices rise. But we will give you some tips to help you.

  1. Identify all the expenses you have at home each month, the types of insurance, medical and education expenses… And subtract them directly from your salary, so you’ll know how much money you have available for the rest of the purchases.
  2. Make a meal plan at the beginning of each month, so that when you go shopping you stick exclusively to what you have written down and thus you’ll manage to save unnecessary expenses.
  3. Identify what you spend the most money on. Nowadays it’s known as “small expenses”, and they’re small expenses that accumulate until at the end of the month it reflects as a large bill.
  4. Avoid compulsive shopping!!
  5. Make the most of discounts and promotions.

This analysis should serve as a “snapshot” to our leaders, encouraging them to implement more effective economic measures, such as promoting financial education or providing alternatives to rising prices, to make the future appear more sustainable and less of a nightmare.

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Rachel Greco

Rachel Greco covers life in US County, including the communities of Grand Ledge, Delta Township, Charlotte and US Rapids. But her beat extends to local government, local school districts and community events in communities that surround Lansing. Her goal is to tell compelling stories about the area that matter to local readers.

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