HISTORIC SHIAWASSEE, a collection of Shiawassee County’s pre-eminent historians, met at the Durand Memorial Branch Library on Monday, Jan. 27. The group was created almost two years ago and has recently expanded to include historical preservationists from all reaches of the county. The group is comprised of representatives from the Corunna Historical Village, Durand Union Station and the Michigan Railroad History Museum, the Shiawassee County Historical Society Museum, the Shiawassee District Library Owosso and Durand branches, the Community District Library, the Lebowsky Center for Performing Arts, the Bancroft Historical Society, the Steam Railroading Institute, the Shiawassee Arts Center, Curwood Castle and the Perry Historical Society.

   These historical entities have been around for decades in most cases, but with Historic Shiawassee, the county’s leading historians are working together in an effort to form a more comprehensive history of Shiawassee County. By sharing the documents, artifacts, extensive knowledge and diverse industry contacts they each possess, the Historic Shiawassee members improve the individual historical organizations in our county while also making the county’s history more accessible.

   During the Jan. 27 meeting, the group members took turns sharing what they most coveted for their historical organization, they talked about digitalizing historical documents, such as newspapers, they announced some upcoming events and the group welcomed its newest member, Byron historian Bethany Carr.

   Shown during the Jan. 27 meeting is (seated) Margaret and Dick Waters, Corunna Historical Village, along with (standing, from left) Billy Roback, Perry Historical Society; Steve Flayer, Shiawassee District Library; Kathy Brooks, Lebowsky Center for Performing Arts; Mary Warner-Stone, Durand Union Station; Sally Labadie, Bancroft Historical Society; Arlene Wascher, Shiawassee County Historical Society; Mike Boudro, Michigan Railroad History Museum; Denice Grace, Owosso Historical Commission; Charles Wascher, Shiawassee County Historical Society; and Jami Cromley, Community District Library. Not pictured is Nancy Folaron, assistant director of the Durand Memorial Branch Library.

   For more information about Historic Shiawassee, visit HistoricShiawassee.org. The group meets on the last Monday of every month, with exception of May and December. To contact the group, reach out to Mary Warner-Stone or Mike Boudro at Durand Union Station by calling (989) 288-3561.

(Independent Photo/Graham Sturgeon)

Historic Society was last modified: February 4th, 2020 by Karen Elford