A Florida landlord is accused of killing his tenant over a thermostat dispute.
Adam Anson, 37, is now facing multiple charges in connection with the case, including second-degree murder, according to WSVN-TV.
According to investigators, on Saturday morning, Anson went to the efficiency apartment connected to his home, WSVN reported. He was armed with a semi-automatic pistol.
Anson wanted to adjust the thermostat so he forced his way into the apartment and punched the resident, police said.
The landlord then dragged the unnamed victim outside and shot him several times in the head.
WSVN reported that Anson then walked back into the apartment, adjusted the thermostat, and called 911.
Police and paramedics arrived at the scene and discovered a victim with gunshot wounds. He was rushed to the hospital and died.
Leyani Perez, a neighbor, described the shooting to local reporters.
“Boom, boom, boom.” Perez told the outlet that he heard three loud noises and wasn’t sure if they were gunshots, but he knew something was wrong.
She went on to say that the shooting shocked the neighborhood and scared her.
“I felt scared. “I felt like I was in danger,” Perez said. “This isn’t common here. This is extremely rare.”