NINE HIGHLY QUALIFIED CONTESTANTS vied for the 2018 Shiawassee County Fair Queen title at the fairgrounds on Saturday, April 21. Gathered for the afternoon event, prior to announcing the new queen and her attendant, were (from left) Taylor Walker, Malary Thorsby, Savannah Taylor, Emily Suggs, Raime Norton, Avianna Jackson, Cecilia Gross, Joely Angst, and Madeleine Abrams. Sarah Stickel, the 2017 Shiawassee County Fair Queen, and her attendant, Madison Chmiko are standing far right in the community room.

   All of the girls have been active in 4-H, FFA, and numerous scholastic and community organizations.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)

Fair Queen Contestants was last modified: April 30th, 2018 by Karen Elford