Editor, The Independent:
Durand area service clubs invite the public to their annual Chicken Barbeque, 2 to 7 p.m. Saturday, July 25, at the Eagles Aerie 3851, 5240 S. New Lothrop Road east of Durand.
Once again the Durand Rotary Club, Durand Lions Club, AmVets Post 2273, VFW Post 2272, Eagles Aerie 3851 and their Auxiliaries are joining forces to raise money for a worthy cause. Proceeds from this year’s event will go towards a portion of Durand Area Schools’ “Backpack Program.”
Durand Area Schools’ “Backpack Program” is an important community component that provides weekend meals for school age boys and girls. A major portion of its funding comes through area service organizations.
The menu includes barbeque chicken and all the fixin’s along with local Born’s Corn. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and younger. Children younger than six are free.
The day will include music, a beer tent, fun and games for the kids, a chicken drop game, as well as a cash bash. Tickets for the cash bash are $10 each and only 750 will be sold. The cash bash drawing will be held at 6 p.m.
Past local programs that have benefited from this BBQ have been the Durand Patriots; Veterans Park; and the Durand Soccer Fieldhouse and Field.
You can support this effort by purchasing your cash bash tickets and chicken drop squares early from any member of these service groups. You may also pre-purchase your dinner ticket.
The entire community is invited to enjoy a good meal and good times together in support of a most worthy cause.
Steve Wood, Durand