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Letter to the Editor


Mike Foster, Superintendent, Perry Public Schools

11:05 am

Independent Editor,
I am writing in support of the candidacy of Ben Fredrick for State Representative. I have worked with Ben for over four years in a successful effort to amend the mandatory high school college prep curriculum in Michigan to make it easier for students to pursue a vocational – technical course of study. Previously there was little opportunity to explore a non-college career path because of the number of mandatory college prep classes the Michigan Merit Core Curriculum requires. It was with Ben’s leadership and support that two bills were enacted into law a year ago that make it possible for students and parents to choose a high school course of study in skills such as welding, health careers, computing, agri-science, construction, marketing, business, computer aided design, and many more.
This month’s issue of Consumer Reports Magazine’s cover story expands on how many students who took the college path have experienced high debt loads after college and regret not exploring other careers first. Ben’s forward thinking in this area is an excellent example of his leadership and foresight.
I encourage you to vote for Ben Fredrick for State Representative.

Mike Foster, Superintendent, Perry Public Schools

Mike Foster, Superintendent, Perry Public Schools was last modified: July 11th, 2016 by Karen Elford