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Letter to the Editor


Matthew Shepard, Perry

11:57 am

Editor, The Independent:
I would invite people to attend the next Shiawasee County Tax Advisory Committee Meeting; it will be Wednesday, Jan. 20 at 1 p.m. The meeting will be in the Commissioners’ Chamber of the Surbeck Building across from the County Courthouse in Corunna. The Committee will be discussing increasing our property taxes from 5.155 mils to as much as 7 mils to accommodate for losses in revenue due to downturn in the american economy, property devaluation, and hyper-inflation. They may decide to also raise the ceiling of 15 mils to 18 mils, which supports County, State, and Federal Government.  There will be time for the public to address the committee before and after presentations are given in support of more taxation.

Matthew Shepard, Perry

Matthew Shepard, Perry was last modified: January 18th, 2016 by Karen Elford