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Letter to the Editor


Krista Johnson, Bennington Township

10:51 am

Independent Editor,
It is with great pleasure that I support Cody Baker for Bennington Township Trustee. Cody grew up on the family farm and learned the importance of hard work. He has an outstanding record of leadership, service, and volunteerism in Shiawassee County. Cody is currently serving as Chairperson of the County Parks and Recreation Commission, President of the Noah’s Ark Childcare Center Board of Directors, Member of the County Solid Waste Committee, Member of the Administrative Council at First United Methodist Church and Member of the Friends of the Shiawassee River. As Chairperson of the Parks Commission, Cody led an expansion of funding for the County Parks using corporate donations and not taxpayer money. This was the first increase in the County Parks budget in many years and is leading to much needed revitalization of our County Parks.
Cody is a family man first and foremost and has a wife, Lindsay, and two daughters, Sydney and Hadley. He has conservative values and is pro second amendment, pro-life, and is a strong supporter of 4-H in Shiawassee County. As trustee he will be available to the residents and listen to their concerns. He is reliable and will be available to attend all meetings for the township and represent the township as necessary. Cody will also be conservative with regard to financial management of Bennington Township. He is honest and hardworking and has my vote to move Bennington Township forward. Please vote on Aug. 2!

Krista Johnson, Bennington Township

Krista Johnson, Bennington Township was last modified: August 1st, 2016 by Karen Elford