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Letter to the Editor


John W. Carpenter, Flint

11:45 am

Independent Editor,

Please allow me to correct the recent criticism of our President’s tax plan. First, the tax plan is not ready for a final vote and to attack the incomplete plan is ignorant and foolish. Second, the GOP tried to stop the Obama administration from adding more debt to our nation. In eight years, Obama increased our debt more than all the presidents since our nation was formed. It seems the left thinks we can spend our way out of debt. I always thought that when you are in a hole, you should stop digging.

Also, the top two percent of all taxpayers pay 39.5 percent of all taxes while the bottom 10 percent pay little or nothing. Don’t forget the alternative to Trump being elected by a huge margin. Blue states like Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin turned their backs on crooked Hillary and sent Trump to Washington to drain the swamp and make America great again. Thanks for the reminder to call Moolenaar’s office at (202) 225-3561 and tell him that I support the tax that is yet to be finalized. It can’t possibly be any worse than the past eight years.

Finally, let’s all get behind a brilliant guy who, without any previous political experience, beat a well-connected Democrat. Get use to it all of you sore losers, and get ready for eight years of making America great again.


John W. Carpenter, Flint

John W. Carpenter, Flint was last modified: November 20th, 2017 by Karen Elford