Independent Editor,
When we elect our local officials, it is our duty to look at the credentials of the individual applying for this job. What job will he/she be performing? What are the character traits that we need? And lastly, what is the experience of this applicant? If he or she fits these tough standards, then you have my vote!
Brandon Marks has been our commissioner for long enough that we can now examine his performance to date. He is honest, and he truly cares for his community and the people he represents. While thinking about the future for our children, he also looks out for the checkbooks of each and every one of us.
I have personally attended meetings where Mr. Marks has shown me all of the above. I have been present at functions where he has shown through as a critical thinker and voted with the best interests of all in mind. He deserves my vote, and yours too!
Joe Libby, Durand