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Letter to the Editor


James A. Carlson

11:48 am

Independent Editor,

   I have been a law enforcement officer for 36 years and spent 30 years in Shiawassee County. I have known Sheriff Brian BeGole for 30 years. Brian BeGole is the finest sheriff that Shiawassee County has ever had.

   Brian has established a spirit of teamwork and cooperation among all the law enforcement agencies in Shiawassee County that never existed before. He puts the sheriff’s department and the citizens of the county first, before himself. One example of this is that when Brian was elected in 2016, he opted to not have a paid vehicle provided to him by the county.

   Prior sheriffs’ first order of business when elected was to go out and lease a top of the line vehicle at the county expense, which they used for personal use. If you see Brian when he is not on duty, he is driving his old, green pickup truck.

   I am proud to endorse Sheriff Brian BeGole for re-election.


James A. Carlson

Genesee County Park Ranger 2015-Present, formerly a sergeant with the Owosso Police Dept. and the Lennon Police Dept. and also an officer with the Morrice Police Dept.

James A. Carlson was last modified: October 6th, 2020 by Karen Elford