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Letter to the Editor


Art Matzkanin, Owosso

11:40 am

Independent Editor,

Vote “no” on the school bond proposal. The Argus-Press from Oct. 9 (front page article) stating “School Officials: demographics mean fewer students in the Shiawassee Area” provides information that should be considered by tax paying voters in the Nov. 7 election, regarding the request for voter approval of the 2017 Owosso Public School Bond Proposal.

The first paragraph states, “six of ten area school districts reported enrollment losses from spring following the statewide Count Day – with most blaming demographic changes for the continuing loss of students.”

Within the article, the following is attributed to the Owosso Public Schools. “Owosso Public Schools projected a loss of 75 students, but from Oct. 2016 through Oct. 2017, enrollment dropped from 3,232 to 3,102. The February count was 3,109.”

Owosso Public Schools is requesting approval of a 30-year bond for $45,555,000. The declining number of students is a compelling reason to vote “no” on the bond issue.

Art Matzkanin, Owosso

Art Matzkanin, Owosso was last modified: November 6th, 2017 by Karen Elford