DURAND COMMUNITY CALENDAR CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED – The Greater Durand Area Chamber of Commerce organized and sponsored a community calendar contest and the winners have officially been announced.

   The grand-prize winner (right) is photographer Jordan Smith for “Harvest Mills at Dawn.” The photo will be featured on the calendar cover and for the month of July. Smith will receive a $100 gift certificate from a local merchant.

   Second place went to Jarod Buswell for “Saginaw Street at Dusk.” Third place went to Ashley Florindi for “Old Truck on Newburg.” Both Buswell and Florindi will also receive gift certificates.

   Other photographers include Sally Labadie, Dan Stone, Nick Florindi, Mary Warner Stone, Candyce Wolsfeld, Kathy Wilson, Jessica Pruitt, Jeff Stutts, Dan Cobley, Karen Moon Schafer and Nancy Folaron. Some photographers had more than one submission accepted.

   The contest sought high-resolution photos of scenes from the Durand, Bancroft and Lennon areas to be included in the 18-month calendar. Over 45 entries were received. The fundraising cost for the community calendars is $20 each with proceeds going toward local Chamber endeavors.

   Each entry had to be the work of the person entering, with all entries becoming the property of the Chamber.

   Three local judges decided on the winners: Carl Dennis, Jan Harper and Karen Mead-Elford. The judges all agreed the decision process was tough and were pleased at the overall quality of the submissions – particularly in how well many of the photos represented the region. The judges did not know the names of the people submitting any of the photos during the decision process. The photos were judged based on quality, creativity and area ties.

   To obtain or order a calendar, please call the Greater Durand Area Chamber of Commerce at (989) 288-3715 or email office@durandchamber.com.

(Courtesy Photo/Jordan Smith)

Durand Community Calendar Contest was last modified: May 25th, 2021 by Karen Elford