THE DANCERS for the return of Dancing with the Starz on Jan. 30 in Owosso include (front row, from left): Jillian Schlegel, Bridgit Spielman, Kimberly Bowen and Justina Miller and choreographer Kim Remenec plus (back row, from left) Brandon Maike, Mark Agnew, Jeff Deason, David Hood (emcee) and David Vaughn. Unable to be present for this photo were Casey Voss, Aaron Maike, Dr. Ronald Bishop and Kendra Nichols. (Courtesy Photos)

Back after a three-year hiatus, Dancing with the Starz returns to Owosso. The event is a fundraiser hosted by the Owosso Community Players and the Shiawassee Arts Center with the purpose of raising awareness and helping to provide funding to support performing and visual arts programs in the community. The one-performance event will be at the 500-seat Lebowsky Theatre on Jan. 30, 2016.

Dancing with the Starz is similar to the popular television show. The “Starz” have accepted the challenge to train with professional dances and compete in front of a live audience and distinguished panel of judges for the titles of 2016 Dancing with the Starz Judges’ Award and the People’s Choice Award!

The dancers include: Mark Agnew, owner, Agnew Graphics; Dr. Ronald Bishop, Memorial Healthcare Emergency Room physician; Kimberly Bowen, owner of Welcome Home Assisted Living; Jeff Deason, President and CEO of the Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce; Kendra Nichols, Mrs. Michigan Universal Dream 2012; Aaron Maike, president at Baker College of Owosso; Brandon Maike of Main Beverage; Justina Miller, past owner of Courtside Café; Jillian Schlegel, Owosso High School Band director; Bridgit Spielman, principal of Central School; David Vaughn, retired industrialist; and Casey Voss, co-owner of Smith & Voss.

Master of Ceremonies will be David Hood of the Schluckebier/Hood Wealth Management Group of Wells Fargo Advisors.

The Dance Instructor and Choreographer is Kim Remenec, owner of Kim’s Dance Dynamics.

Tickets will be available to the public starting at 9 a.m. Monday, Dec. 7. General seating tickets are $60. The VIP tickets are $100 and $150, which include preferred seating and a pre-show reception. All attendees will receive a complimentary engraved beverage cup.

Persons may purchase tickets at the Shiawassee Arts Center, 206 Curwood Castle Drive in Owosso, or call (989) 723-8354 and order by credit card.

‘Dancing’ Returns, This Time on Lebowsky Stage was last modified: December 7th, 2015 by Karen Elford