By Bill Constine, editor

COMMUNITY groups which received their checks for just over $239 each during the Curwood Festival’s Full Council meeting Wednesday evening at Owosso City Hall’s Council Chambers, then gathered when the session was completed. (Independent Photo/MELISSA SHEPARD)

Checks of just over $239 each went to 19 organizations that participated in the Curwood Festival’s food vendor program. In all 35 community organizations were involved with the Festival with just over $38,000 distributed to them, said Festival Office Manager Sherri Bakos during Wednesday evening’s Festival Full Council meeting at Owosso City Hall. The Mr. Owosso campaign of Chris Bird raised more than $21,000 for The Arc Shiawassee. The four groups that ran their own food booths, after their expenses, raised $8,340. Eleven organizations were paid a total of $4,077 to provide services to the Festival, such as overnight security, tent staffing and monetary awards for parade entries.

Those which received checks for just over $239 each on Wednesday evening were: American Cancer Society Relay For Life Team Rambler Rays; American Cancer Society Team SOS; American Legion Auxiliary Post 57; Beta Sigma Phi Sorority; Boy Scout Troop 455; Christ Episcopal Church, St. Mary’s Guild; and Citizens for Traditional Values Shiawassee.

Also, First Congregational Church, Lydia Guild; Friends of the Oak Hill Cemetery; Kiwanis Club of Owosso; Owosso Eagles Aerie 851 Auxiliary; Owosso Historical Commission; Owosso Musicale; Rangers 4-H; Redeemer Lutheran Church; Shiawassee Arts Center; Shiawassee Community Radio Watch; Shiawassee County Dog Development Committee; and Zonta Club of Owosso.

Curwood Festival Checks to Community Groups was last modified: September 16th, 2015 by Karen Elford