THE 2019 KIDS IN CURWOOD COUNTRY PARADE line-up included almost 50 participants with children from all over Shiawassee County. A few highlights of the parade were the OHS Freshman Band, the OMS 6th-Grade Band, the Corunna Middle School Band, the Curwood Saga Winners, the 2019 Curwood Princess and Court and the Shiawassee Family YMCA. The Shiawassee 4-H Dog Club and the Shiawassee County Fair Queen participated in the annual event. Just a few of the other groups represented were the Shia Alley Klown Club, the Montrose Blueberry Festival and Homeless Angels.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)

Curwood Country Parade was last modified: June 17th, 2019 by Karen Elford