The ministry invites all single adults from across Michigan to a night of fun, fellowship, food, and entertainment on Saturday, Oct. 22 from 5 to 10 p.m. at Owosso Free Methodist Church, 1249 N.
Chipman St., in Owosso. Special entertainment will be provided by Donna East, nationally known Christian comedian. In addition to the entertainment, there will be appetizers, music, dinner, cards, games, volleyball, and ice cream sundaes, as well as opportunities for conversation with other singles.
Community Christian Singles is a local Christian ministry founded to provide single adults in the Mid-Michigan area with opportunities for Christian growth and fellowship. Come and enjoy a fun, relaxing time with other singles from across Michigan. Cost is only $10 plus a free will offering for use of the church.
For further information, contact Joyce at or (989) 277-4520.