(Courtesy Graphic)


   Changes to legislative districts and voting precincts in the city of Owosso have been detailed by Owosso City Clerk Amy K. Kirkland. Voters will see significant changes in their legislative districts as the state lost a Congressional seat and its federal and state districts were drawn for the first time by the new Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. The city will continue to maintain six voting precincts, with polling locations remaining at the elementary schools and the administration building. The boundaries of four precincts have been adjusted to accommodate changes in the County Commission Districts and to bring all city precincts closer to the same size. 

   “The City will also be changing its precinct designations to comply with a request from the Bureau of Elections,” explained Kirkland. In the past, the city has used a two-digit system to identify its precincts. Going forward, precincts will be labeled with a single digit, numbered one through six (1-6). These changes will become effective with the Aug. 2 primary election. The new legislative districts and precinct designations are shown in the graphic.

   What does this mean for city of Owosso voters? New voter information cards will be mailed to all city of Owosso registered voters. Voters can expect to receive their new cards in the spring or early summer, barring any order from the courts for the redistricting maps to be redrawn. 

   “As a result of redistricting, certain registered voters in the city of Owosso will be relocated to a different school for voting. Voters affected by the relocation will receive a notice via first class mail in the near future. All other voters will continue to vote at their current polling place,” said Kirkland. 

   Changes to precinct boundaries will affect registered voters in the following two areas: 

1. The area bounded by N. Shiawassee Street, North Street, Adams Street and King Street and Kiwanis Village. Voters residing in this area that previously voted at Central School will now be voting at Emerson School, 515 E. Oliver Street. 

2. The area bounded by S. Shiawassee Street, Main Street, S. Washington Street and the city’s southern border that previously voted at the Washington Campus will now be voting at Bryant School, 925 Hampton Avenue. 

   Questions regarding this matter can be directed to the Owosso City Clerk’s Office at (989) 725-0500 or city.clerk@ci.owosso.mi.us.

City of Owosso Outlines Voter District and Precinct Changes was last modified: March 29th, 2022 by Karen Elford