The Byron Area High School FFA will be showcased this weekend, April 1 through 3, on “This Week In AgriBusiness,” a weekly, one-hour television agri-news program hosted by two of the country’s most well-known farm broadcasters, Max Armstrong and Orion Samuelson.

The Byron FFA Chapter tribute will include information about the chapter’s history, activities, and community service. It will also include several photos of the students and their participation in chapter activities.

Viewers can see the Byron FFA Chapter Tribute during “This Week In AgriBusiness,” which is aired on RFD-TV, a 24-hour television network for rural America. RFD-TV is carried on Dish Network channel 231, and on DirecTV channel 379, as well as a number of other cable systems. “This Week In AgriBusiness” airs four times on RFD-TV throughout the weekend. Broadcast times are 7 a.m. on Saturday, 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday, and 8 a.m. on Monday (Central Time Zone).

Byron FFA Chapter to be Featured on RFD-TV was last modified: April 3rd, 2017 by Karen Elford