Brush pickup for December will begin Wednesday, Dec. 30. Persons are asked to call (989) 725-0550, or e-mail, by noon on Tuesday, Dec. 29, to schedule their brush pickup. If crews cannot get to everyone on the scheduled day, pickup will resume on Monday, Jan. 4.

*Christmas Trees: Pickup will begin Jan. 4 and continue through the month of January. Persons need to leave trees to be picked up at the curb. No artificial trees will be accepted. Remove all plastic covers, decorations and tree stands. It is not necessary to call to schedule a Christmas tree pickup.

*Brush/Christmas tree drop off: The DPW drop off site (on Aiken Road, south of Industrial Drive) will be open 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, Jan. 4 through Jan. 15, 2016, for leaf, brush and Christmas tree drop off. The drop off site is not open on weekends after leaf season.

These services are for city residents only.

Brush, Christmas Tree Pickup was last modified: December 21st, 2015 by Karen Elford