THE WILLIAM “BILL” J. BROOKS MEMORIAL Fund Grant was presented to the Shiawassee Family YMCA. Shown are (from left) YMCA Chief Executive Officer Laura Archer, Kathy Clapp, Heather and Cheyenne Brooks with Kim Renwick, Shiawassee Community Foundation Director.
(Courtesy Photo)
New growth will be taking place at the Shiwawassee Family YMCA due in part to a generous grant from the William “Bill” J. Brooks Memorial Fund administered by the Shiawassee Community Foundation.
Representatives from the Brooks family, YMCA and Shiawassee Community Foundation gathered recently to award the grant and kick-off the special project.
The funds will be used to help create four children’s gardens outside the YMCA facility. The gardens will not only add to the aesthetic appearance of the building but also give children a chance to learn about the growth cycle and other lessons as the gardens are created. Kathy Clapp, Child Care Director at the YMCA applied for the grant and said the garden will be a tribute to Bill’s memory and dedication to beautification of his community.
“I was very fortunate to have known Bill for many years,” wrote Clapp. “When I was planning this application, I kept in mind what he valued most – beautiful, well-kept areas for everyone to enjoy, especially children.”
The project begins this fall with cleanup and bulb planting. In the spring, the new growth will be marked and children will be able to experience their hard work in planting come to life.
“Through grants, the Bill Brooks Memorial Fund not only helps with community projects, it extends the legacy of someone who loved this community and worked to see it grow and thrive,” said Shiawassee Community Foundation Director Kim Renwick. “We at the foundation are honored to help continue his legacy each year with grants made possible by his endowed fund.”
For more information on the William “Bill” J. Brooks Memorial Fund or the Shiawassee Community Foundation, visit