After a math teacher in California ordered students to come out as gay or lesbian, Parents outraged

By Lucas

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After a math teacher in California ordered students to come out as gay or lesbian, Parents outraged

A math instructor at a California high school shocked parents when he urged his students to come out as homosexual or lesbian during an exercise.

Freshmen at Rancho Buena Vista High School were taking an elective seminar class aimed to teach them how to be socially aware when they were assigned a diversity, equity, and inclusion exercise last month.

However, the youngsters and their parents had no idea what the assignment would involve.

Students were instructed to stand in a circle. Each of you is now homosexual or lesbian, and you are about to start the coming-out process. You cannot speak for the remainder of this activity’.

The task provoked seven pupils to leave the classroom.

‘Very uncomfortable,’ James Leon, whose daughter attends the class, told NBC San Diego.

‘She informed me right instantly when she got home,’ he explained. She said, “Dad, you have to hear this.”

The activity placed the teacher and the school system in hot water after it was published on social media.

Leon shared the assignment specifics on Instagram earlier this month after his daughter took a snapshot of the directions written on the classroom smart board before leaving.

‘These are the types of activities being imposed on our children in public schools,’ the caption stated. ‘My daughter told the teacher, ‘Hell no!!!’ Then they walked out of the classroom.

‘I am utterly outraged,’ the post continued. ‘I’ve subsequently communicated with the high school, and the VP informed me that this is not part of the curriculum.’

The article has subsequently received hundreds of responses from outraged parents and viewers, who have expressed their outrage and disbelief at the scenario.

‘This doesn’t belong in any school; I’m not sure where it belongs, but definitely not a classroom,’ one viewer remarked. ‘How extremely uncomfortable.’

Another remark stated, ‘What is the school’s reprimand? #nuts.’

‘This issue is so irritating that I do not want it “taught” in my children’s classrooms. “Never,” another wrote. ‘My son is a senior at RBV. My stomach is in knots thinking about the last three school years there and what he may or may not have been exposed to without my knowledge.

‘This teacher should never work with anyone’s children, regardless of age. “This is sick,” said another.

Leon’s fury drove him to send an email to the administration, asking to know what actions will be taken against the instructor and stating that he would be complaining at the next school board meeting.

This is ridiculous. He wrote, “This is sick and twisted.” ‘There is no curriculum that supports this, and many of my LGBT friends are disgusted by it.’

The father then posted the principal’s response on Instagram, saying, ‘I am busy with family duties this week, and I wanted to reply to your issue swiftly, at the very least via email.’

‘We understand that sexual education talks can be delicate, and we value your participation,’ it continued.

‘When your daughter returns to school, she can finish the alternate task.’

This past Tuesday, the school held its regularly scheduled board meeting, and Leon kept his pledge to speak directly to the board.

In a stunning change of events, four San Diego County Sheriff’s deputies in two zone cars arrived to the meeting on a ‘preserve the peace call’, which regular participants stated had never happened before.

After more than an hour of waiting for the board to vote on new positions for themselves, Leon stood in front of a full room, speaking into a microphone about the events of the previous month, while the officers stood against the wall.

‘I don’t see how this fits into the California curriculum for education,’ he told the board members. ‘There is nothing it does but groom children.’

‘It’s not okay; it’s filthy, and it should not be tolerated. I do not believe this assignment should ever be taught.

Despite first being advised by the vice principle that the assignment was not part of the school’s curriculum, he stated that he received a contradictory email and phone call shortly after, clarifying that the precise exercise was indeed part of the curriculum.

Leon, who admitted that public speaking was not his ‘forte’, uploaded his message on Instagram and received dozens of responses congratulating him for standing up for his daughter.

However, he was not the only one who spoke at the meeting; a district bus driver stepped to the podium to support the upset father.

‘I’m completely appalled,’ she remarked. ‘I am humiliated to work for the district, and you guys allow this to happen in our schools.

However, not everyone in attendance was against the drill. A fellow teacher testified in favor of the activity and the school.

‘People with no relation to our community or even our state have begun to clog RBV social media accounts with new false charges and nasty claims,’ he stated.

Leon has subsequently posted regular videos on his Instagram profile in response to some harsh remarks about his daughter being’sensitive’.

His daughter has subsequently returned to class and been given an alternative task, but the heated dispute appears to be far from done.

Leon mentioned that he has a meeting arranged with Matt Doyle, the District Superintendent, after the holidays.

However, he received a text from someone conveying a message from a source within the district, advising the father to prohibit his daughter from meeting with Doyle without a parent present.

The message read: “I speak from experience, unfortunately.” Her tale will be distorted, edited, or adjusted to suit the interests of the district.

‘She may be ordered to keep quiet for her own protection or for other reasons,’ it stated. ‘Or they’ll postpone it and never meet with her, hoping it all goes away.’

On Wednesday morning, he posted the message on Instagram with the remark, ‘This district is corrupt!!’ They manipulate children! This has to end! Leave our children alone!!

The district has yet to decide whether or not to impose punishment on the math teacher.


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