Michigan owner takes her puppy to daycare to make friends, only to be shocked by what happens next

By Rachel Greco

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Michigan owner takes her puppy to daycare to make friends, only to be shocked by what happens next

Every dog is unique, and each requires a unique approach to function optimally. It can be difficult for owners to accept this because they have their own lives and don’t have much time to devote to their pets.

In that case, daycare is a logical solution, as experienced caregivers know what is best for dogs and, among other things, allow dogs to socialize with their furry friends.

Although this appears to be the ideal solution for dogs, it is only suitable for some of them. One Michigan owner witnessed this firsthand when she took her dog to daycare to socialize.

Instead of making friends, the dog did something completely unexpected.

Nikki Sykora, 24, is a full-time student at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry. At the same time, she has a Mini Bernedoodle named Maisy, and as much as she adores her, she does not devote much time to her.

To avoid leaving her at home alone, she decided to take her to daycare where she could socialize. Maisy was constantly smiling as they drove, indicating that she would have a great time at daycare.

With this conviction, Nikki left her and went to university. Nikki decided to investigate because the daycare had a camera that recorded everything and the owners could access the video to see what their pets were doing.

She was surprised to see her dog doing something she had not expected. Maisy, in particular, sat in a corner of a daycare, isolating herself and appearing unhappy, rather than socializing with other dogs.

Nikki was disappointed by her dog’s reaction to daycare, but after thinking about it, she realized it was nothing unusual for Maisy.

Her dog was always more people-oriented, and she quickly demonstrated this when she began spending more time with the pet sitters at the daycare than with the other dogs.

Simply put… not every dog is the same and Maisy is a living example.

Numerous Reactions

Since Nikki owns an account, she decided to share her dog’s reaction to daycare with her TikTok followers by posting a clip under the nickname @niknak272727.

Signed my puppy up for day-care so she can start making friends and socialize,” reads layover text in the clip, while the caption says: “She’s 100% my daughter though lol.”

Nikki knew her TikTok video would get a lot of attention, but she never imagined it would be to this extent. There were numerous reactions, and we decided to highlight a few of them.

“She’s protecting her peace ,” one user commented.

“I remember bringing my shitzu to dog park and I sat on a bench to watch him play w other dogs only for him to sit next to me and watch the dogs as well ,” a different participant said.

The third person commented: “My puppies report card said ‘not interested in playing with the other kids’ once.”

Despite Maisy’s obvious reluctance to spend time with other dogs, Nikki persisted in taking her to daycare twice per week.

Things gradually improved, and Maisy now occasionally ventures into furry society, which is a significant step forward!


Rachel Greco

Rachel Greco covers life in US County, including the communities of Grand Ledge, Delta Township, Charlotte and US Rapids. But her beat extends to local government, local school districts and community events in communities that surround Lansing. Her goal is to tell compelling stories about the area that matter to local readers.

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