Marrying your first cousin in Wyoming is illegal. Wyoming law prohibits marriages between first cousins, as well as other close relatives such as siblings, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, uncles and nieces, and aunts and nephews.
However, Wyoming does allow marriages between first cousins once removed, half-cousins, and cousins through adoption.
Legal Perspective
Prohibited Relationships: Wyoming law explicitly states that marriages between first cousins are void without any decree of divorce.
Allowed Relationships: First cousins once removed, half-cousins, and cousins through adoption are permitted to marry in Wyoming.
Cohabitation and Sexual Relations
While first cousins cannot marry in Wyoming, they are allowed to cohabitate and engage in sexual relations. This distinction highlights that the legal restrictions primarily focus on the formalization of marriage rather than the relationship itself.
Marrying a first cousin is illegal in Wyoming, but other types of cousin relationships are allowed. Additionally, first cousins can live together and have sexual relations without violating Wyoming law.