THE SHIAWASSEE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Topics @ Twelve event on Tuesday, Oct. 29 was focused on the recent results of a paranormal investigation team’s study done in the Owosso Armory.

   Aura Investigations, a Michigan-based paranormal investigation team, was invited into the Armory on Sunday, Oct. 13, directly following the end of Oktoberfest, to do a paranormal study of the historic building. The building was constructed in 1915. Renovations of the structure were completed last year, though even during the construction process, workers relayed stories of some unusual experiences they had, particularly in the rear basement area – not far from where Topics was held.

   Speaking during the Topics event was John Bucholz, Aura Investigations team leader. He has twenty years experience in the paranormal field, having become involved after having three of his own paranormal experiences.

   Under Bucholz, Aura Investigations has the mission to assist individuals or organizations that are having unexplained phenomena in their homes or businesses. In the case of the Armory, seven investigators took five hours, starting after midnight, to do a complete study of the building. The group uses its own technology to detect paranormal activity.

   After collecting the data, the team then analyzed what they had collected to determine if any activity had been detected. That information was presented at Topics on Tuesday. Three EVPs had been discovered. An EVP refers to electronic voice phenomena, or ambiguous voices captured via audio technology that cannot be accounted for or discredited. All three EVPs had occurred in the rear basement area. Each of the EVPs had a rather distinct masculine quality to them, though as with any noise, they were open for personal interpretation.

   Bucholz explained that he believes the evidence collected suggests the Armory has both intelligent and residual paranormal activity, based on EVPs and shadow figures. Intelligent activity refers to a spirit or ghost that is interactive with its surroundings and might be aware of current happenings. Residual activity refers to an “energy” that might be trapped within a type of bubble or loop – rather like the playback of a recording.

   Close to 60 people were in attendance on Tuesday.

   The last Topics @ Twelve event for the year will be held Tuesday, Nov. 26 at the Durand Union Station.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)

Topics @ Twelve event was last modified: November 4th, 2019 by Karen Elford