(Courtesy Photo)
The Shiawassee Family YMCA is committed to strengthening the community through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. What hits all three of these mission pieces? Open Streets Owosso! Activities will be located on Exchange Street, between Ball and Park streets and on N. Washington Street, between Main and Mason streets.
Originating in Bogota, Colombia in 1974, Open Streets programs open the streets to people and close them to cars encouraging participation in physical activity and healthy recreation. The Shiawassee Family YMCA, in partnership with Owosso Main Street and the Shiawassee Regional Chamber of Commerce, is excited to offer a day of fun, family friendly activities on Saturday, Oct. 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in downtown Owosso.
Activities will include pop-up exercise classes, a kids area sponsored by The United Way of Genesee County with an inflatable gaga ball pit, games and activities, a pickleball clinic from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., a bike rodeo where youth can get their bikes fine tuned for safety, a bicycle helmet give away sponsored by Memorial Healthcare Foundation and Meijer (helmet give away while supplies last) – and youth bike raffles sponsored by the United Way, Homes N Land Real Estate, Success Mortgage Group and the VOICE Mini-grant. Fifteen bikes of various sizes will be included in the raffle. A youth free throw contest will also be offered. A bike route is planned down Jerome Street, across the Heritage Bridge and back west on the river boardwalk, ending at the Steam Railroad Institute.
In addition, many local support organizations and agencies will be found on Information Row, sharing community resources with participants. Many downtown merchants will also be participating with Open Streets specials and treats. The Shiawassee County Health Department through the VOICE Mini-Grant program (Vaccine Outreach Inspired by Community Education) will provide vaccine education materials and Covid mitigation strategies. Central Pharmacy is partnering to offer flu vaccinations the day of the event.
“We hope to see lots of people on their bikes and participating in this community wide event,” shared Laura Archer, YMCA CEO. “We have an amazing community and tremendous partners who help make days like our planned Open Streets Owosso happen!”
More detailed information is available online at the YMCA’s website, www.shiawasseeymca.org or in person at the Shiawassee Family YMCA at 515 W. Main St. in Owosso. Please call (989) 725-8136 with any questions.