Shiawassee County dog licenses for 2020 are on sale through Friday, Feb. 28. Licenses can be purchased through most local vets or at primary municipal buildings (township/city halls). If the Feb. 28 deadline is missed, licenses must then be purchased at the Shiawassee County Treasurer’s Office in Corunna – located on the second floor of the circuit courthouse. The treasurer’s office is open from 8 a.m. until noon and 1 p.m. through 5 p.m.

   The treasurer’s office will need a spay/neuter certificate (if applicable) and verification of a current rabies vaccination from a certified veterinarian.

   Prior to or on Feb. 28, licenses for a spayed/neutered dog are $10 each. After March 1, licenses will be $20 per license.

   Prior to or on Feb. 28, licenses for intact male or female dogs are $30 each. After March 1, licenses are $60 per intact dog. A late license doubles the cost.

   Only four dogs are permitted (unless specified differently through various municipal ordinances) at any singular address. If more than four dogs are at one address, the owner needs to contact animal control at (989) 743-2406 to apply for a kennel license.

   The Shiawassee Humane Society also sells dog licenses during the dog adoption process from the Bennington Road facility. All dogs adopted from SHS are already spayed/neutered and appropriately vaccinated.

   The Shiawassee County Treasurer’s Office can be reached at (989) 743-2224.

Shiawassee County Dog License Info was last modified: January 13th, 2020 by Karen Elford