Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette has recognized September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with a reminder of the efforts being taken to educate students about and to recruit them to help prevent suicide in Michigan with the student safety program OK2SAY. “It is heartbreaking when a young person takes their life because they feel there is no other way,” said Schuette. “OK2SAY is actively trying to change that.”

In almost two years of the OK2SAY programs, more than a quarter of a million Michigan middle and high school students have attended an OK2SAY presentation. In addition to discussing suicide, the presentations touch on bullying, peer abuse, self-harm, assault, and gun violence. The goal is to empower students to do the right thing by submitting a tip.

OK2SAY technicians are specially trained and know what to look for and how to respond when the tip is about suicide. For example, they have arranged for medical intervention for students attempting suicide; called for wellness checks on students reported to be suicidal; given mental health referrals to students in need; and prompted professionals to reach out to students who had written a suicide note. Experts note that bullying is a factor in some deaths by suicide, and that is another area of OK2SAY’s focus.

Kevin Epling, an anti-bullying advocate whose son Matt died by suicide, is a parent advocate for OK2SAY. “In the world of bullying prevention, we all need to be creative and think very differently. When the idea for OK2SAY was brought up, the response was ‘No one will use it,’” said Epling. “Two years and close to 5,000 reports filed later, we’ve changed the playing field and given kids and parents hope.”

According to the Michigan 2015 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey that was just released, students reported that during the 12 months before the survey: 17.3 percent seriously considered attempting suicide; 15 percent made a plan about how they would attempt suicide; 9.2 percent attempted suicide at least once; 2.6 percent attempted suicide that resulted in an injury, poisoning, or overdose that had to be treated by a doctor or nurse. “Numbers like these are why a program like OK2SAY is so important,” said Schuette. “If just one life is saved, and one suicide is prevented this program is a success. I am looking forward to seeing what the future is for this program in Michigan.”

Key Features of OK2SAY includes confidential reporting unless the reporter voluntarily chooses to disclose his or her identity. If the reporter is a minor, the parent or guardian must also consent. Comprehensive technology allows anyone to confidentially submit tips 24/7 using multi-media attachments like photos, videos, and links to additional information. Upon receipt of a tip, specially trained OK2SAY technicians at the Michigan State Police screen and forward tips to an appropriate responding agency. Each responding organization is asked to complete an Outcome Report detailing the nature of the tip, how the tip was handled and whether the tip situation was resolved or requires ongoing attention. This provides local entities an opportunity to illustrate that student safety threats are tracked and taken seriously.

To submit a tip, OK2SAY encourages confidential tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, and schools. Tips can be submitted by calling (855) OK2SAY or (855) 565-2729 or text 652729 (OK2SAY) or by emailing ok2say@mi.gov. Information can also be at www.ok2say.com.

Schuette Recognizes September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month was last modified: September 14th, 2016 by Karen Elford