FRIENDS OF THE SHIAWASSEE RIVER (FOSR) hosted a river clean-up event at three different locations on Saturday, July 28. Meeting at the Oakwood Avenue Bridge in Owosso, McCurdy Park in Corunna and in Vernon, volunteers gathered to assist in removing debris and garbage from the river. All participants were provided with a free t-shirt for their effort.

   Shown in the above photo, this group of diligent volunteers had a collection of trash they had removed from the river, some of which they had pried from the river bottom, as they waded along with the attached boat.

   This hardworking team of caring co-workers from Oster Manufacturing in Owosso included Chad, Chaz, Rose and Blake. The group is shown beneath the Main Street Bridge with Owosso City Hall in the background.

   Even as teams of volunteers were working during the event, area residents were already enjoying the river: fishing, walking, jogging or playing with children at Curwood Castle Park, showing the vitality of the Shiawassee River within the community.

   More information on FOSR can be found at or by calling (989) 723-9062.

(Independent Photo/Karen Mead-Elford)

River Clean-up Event was last modified: August 6th, 2018 by Karen Elford