On Aug. 2, voters will be asked whether they wish to renew the Community District Library’s expiring operating millage at the current rate of 0.7 mills for another four years. The proposition is a renewal, not a tax increase. Your taxes for library services will not increase as reported from the library.

Approximately 80 percent of library funding comes directly from the CDL operating millage. Cities and townships who will be voting on the millage include: Burns, Caledonia, Hazelton, Perry, Shiawassee, Venice as well as the cities of Corunna and Perry. There are seven branches of the CDL which include: Bancroft, Byron, Corunna, Lennon, Morrice, New Lothrop, and Perry who have borrowed over 87,000 items from years 2014-15. More than 8,000 persons attended library programs and 11,000 residents hold library cards.

If you own a home worth $100,000 and your taxable value is $50,000, you would pay $35 per year. This operating millage will fund things such as books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, music, as well as digital collections of the same. CDL loans materials to over 400 other libraries in the state of Michigan through their Interlibrary loan program. They also provide online databases for research and homework help. Many of the educational and entertainment programs are for youth, teens and adults, including storytime, summer reading book clubs, programming about technology, history, art, crafting, finance, nature and more.

The library also provides high speed public internet computers, printing, and wireless access. Resources are available for young children, students, and job seekers. The library staff seeks to connect the community with the resources needed for educational and personal needs.

Renewal, Not Tax Increase for Community District Library was last modified: July 28th, 2016 by Karen Elford