The Perry FFA Jr. High Conduct of meetings team won first place honors at the State FFA Convention competition on the campus of Michigan State University this past Thursday, March 10. Competing against the five other regional championship teams, and two semi-finals winning teams, the Perry FFA took home top honors. This is the first time the Perry Jr. High FFA program has earned a state championship.

The Jr. High Conduct of Meetings contest consists of members performing the FFA opening and closing ceremonies, and then solving a problem using parliamentary procedure, all in 8-10 minutes. They learn of the situation to solve, and the parliamentary procedure abilities to demonstrate, only five minutes prior to the contest, while in a silent preparation room. To get to this level, these eight 7th and 8th grade students have practiced since late December. Through this effort they won the district contest in Laingsburg and the regional contest in Mason, both in Feb., earning them the chance to compete at the state level event last week.

Participating in FFA leadership contests such as this prepares students for success in all aspects of life. Public speaking skills, presentation skills, problem solving skills, and learning how to think quickly, under time constraints, are just a few skills which will serve participants well in whatever career path they choose to pursue in the future.

The Perry Agriscience teacher and FFA Advisor is Brian Kiesling.

Perry FFA Wins State Championship was last modified: March 28th, 2016 by Karen Elford