THE OWOSSO HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA Club is producing “AND” by Alan Haehnel for the Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association (MIFA) studio theater competition play. The show is directed by OHS counselor Jerry Ciarlino and student directed by sophomore, Wes LaVigne.

   The students already performed for the district competition the weekend of February 2. The team did outstanding and earned all ones with a high ranking and earning several awards in excellence for acting, along with a superior award for ensemble work.

   The Owosso Drama Club will be performing “AND” at Holland High School on Saturday, Feb. 9. The theme for the competition this year is tragedy. “AND” tells the story of Aaron, played by Autumn Weir, and his secret that he wants to share but struggles to get past numerous other events.

   Other actors include, Maddie Kregger, Mackenzie Taylor, Alex Elford, Madalyn Hasyn, Sophia Wittum, Sarah Wittum, Tyler Hoag, Samantha Thayer, Sarah Roose, Cayden Whiteherse, Hannah Walters and Abby Christian.

   The drama club will have a home performance of this production Thursday, Feb. 14 at 7 p.m. in the OHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door.

(Courtesy Photo)

Owosso High School Drama Club was last modified: February 15th, 2019 by Karen Elford