LIEUTENANT JUSTIN STECKBAUER took over as the officer at The Salvation Army of Owosso Citadel on Wednesday, June 26, replacing Lt. Jonathan Tamayo, who was recently promoted to captain and moved to Chicago with his wife, Samantha. Lt. Jonathan served Shiawassee County from June 2015 to June 2019.

   Lt. Justin is 34 years old and a recent graduate of The Salvation Army’s College for Officer’s Training in Chicago. He is originally from Wausau, WI, and he is looking forward to serving the community of Owosso. Lt. Justin is looking to build on the efforts of his predecessor, Lt. Jonathan, and he is focused on working to prevent homelessness, strengthening the Shiawassee County Salvation Army’s finances, developing community relations, improving community awareness of the services offered by the Salvation Army and developing Sunday Dinner Church, a meal service at 5:30 p.m. every Sunday.

   The Owosso Citadel is open from 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, as well as for the Sunday Dinner Church. Lt. Steckbauer shared that the dinners will have a less rigid format, with a focus on discussion and fellowship; “connecting the community in real ways.”

   The Salvation Army, located at 302 E. Exchange St. in Owosso, hosts a free lunch at noon, five days a week; offers a food pantry that includes canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables delivered daily and essential hygiene products; and provides services such as bill payment assistance, among many others.

   Lt. Justin reports that the Owosso Citadel is in need of support, with monetary donations for programming and donations of food and hygiene products for the food pantry among the biggest needs. The Citadel is also seeking adult volunteers and Advisory Board members, preferably individuals with business and/or organizational skills, connections in the community and an understanding of the county’s needs and available resources.

   Joining Lt. Justin (center) outside the Owosso Citadel on Wednesday, July 10 is case worker Bridgett Krebs and food service coordinator Gordon Lab.

(Independent Photo/Graham Sturgeon)

Lt. Justin Steckbauer was last modified: July 17th, 2019 by Karen Elford