HOMELESS ANGELS OF OWOSSO was well represented by director Shelly Ochodnicky during the Wednesday evening, Sept. 11 meeting held by the Shiawassee County Democrats at the Corunna Community Center.

   Ochodnicky was there to explain the program that Homeless Angels offers to homeless individuals in the community. The Owosso campus on Park Street is set to open in a few weeks. For just sixty-two cents a day or $19 per month, a person can provide an SOS partnership, allowing one individual to have a safe bed, food and a hand-up from homelessness.

   Michigan statistics regarding homelessness are quite staggering. In 2018, well over 8,000 people per night were experiencing homelessness – defined as an individual or family who do not have a private place of their own for shelter. Many live in cars or tents – and a large number are working homeless. They are employed, but due to numerous circumstances, have lost housing.

   Homeless Angels has developed a program where homeless individuals come to the campus, are given shelter, food and access to county resources, but they have to live by the guidelines of the program – enabling them to eventually gain their own housing situations and leave homelessness behind.

   The program operates completely through private donations. Persons interested in donating can call the Owosso campus at (989) 723-5400 or the Lansing campus at (517) 487-9119. More information can be found at www.homelessangels.org.

   The Dems have had a series of related speakers at monthly meetings as the group focuses on a variety of ways to help area nonprofit organizations. The group participates with the MDOT Adopt-A-Highway program, holds regular food pantry drives and is involved with other fundraising and volunteerism efforts in the county.

(Courtesy Photo)

Homeless Angels program was last modified: September 16th, 2019 by Karen Elford