Lincoln High School (LHS) is looking to the community for help in funding a variety of events to further establish a “college-going culture” at Lincoln High School. Many of LHS’s students will become, in many cases, the first in their families to graduate high school, and it is the goal at LHS to host events and activities for Lincoln High students in order to continue helping them explore and pursue some sort of post-secondary educational training.
Many struggle in knowing what their next steps entail. LHS will be providing opportunities for college and trade program tours, as well as FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) workshops for students and their families. During these events, prizes, incentives and food are provided in order to assist with student and family buy-in to the process. Many are nervous about and overwhelmed by the process. The notion of post-secondary education is not a topic often discussed, so LHS teachers and administrators aim to ease anxieties about these very important conversations by promoting education, ramping up student and family exposure to their options and working side-by-side with them to explore their best options as they move up to and beyond graduation.
Throughout this current school year, Lincoln High School plans to hold five or six FAFSA education nights, five or six college/trade school tours and five or six community breakfast events to introduce students to business professionals and employability experts. Food will need to be provided and raffle/giveaway prizes are needed for each event.
Additionally, LHS will need to send two staff members to the Michigan College Access Network Conference for professional development and purchase “Decision Day” t-shirts from a local business (enough for all 2020 graduating seniors) and marketing materials (t-shirts, banners, posters) to advertise events for all students.
To accomplish all this, Lincoln High School is asking the community to help reach a fundraising goal of $5,000. To make a contribution, contact Lincoln high School Principal Steve Irelan at